Friday 29 July 2011

Diamond Dust

Have you ever just thought someone should die in the most painful way possible? I for example on multiple occasions have wanted the majority of Fox News faces to end up 6 feet under ground. But somtimes people die to fast for some reason us humans enjoy when the things we hate suffer for what they have done the most cruel of those ways is diamond dust.

Diamond dust is perhaps the most terrible poison in existence, and after our brief explanation, it will be easy to understand why.

Every poison has a principle behind its action - Cyanides attack, alkaloids destroy, barbiturates deade, glycosides deteriorate, ricin and abrin phytotoxins agglutinate - Diamond dust abrades.

If one ingess diamond dust, the natural peristaltic motion of the digestive tract causes these tiny splinters of the world's hardest substance to imbed themselves along the alimentary canal, the natural motions of the inner body causing them to work deeper and deeper until your internal organs are perforated and ripped apart.

The pain accompanying this can only be imagined by a few. A large amount of diamond dust would probably feel similar to having a Portuguese Man-O-War living inside of you.

This goes on from anywhere between two and six months, until the victim is dead.

Even from its very earliest stages, the difficulties behind diagnosis can well be imagined the only way to extract the tiny diamond splinters is surgery, wherein each particle would have to be located and removed individually, an impossible feat.

Now of course you are saying, Chains, i've never heard of Diamond dust before only sick people like you would know about it. But diamond dust was actually a rather popular means of assassination during the Renaissance. The great sculptor and goldsmith Benvenuto Cellini was nearly murdered by it. His would-be assassin made the mistake of bringing the diamond he wished to have pounded to a poverty stricken jeweller. The jeweller sold the diamond and instead gave him the dust of a powdered beryl. The beryl dust lacking the extreme hardness of diamond, can produce no lasting damage, its shards soon become rounded off in the body.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Tips and Tricks. Part 6

36. Children are remarkably honest creatures until we teach them not to be.

37. If everyone on the TV show you're watching is good looking, it isn't worth watching.

38. Yelling always makes things worse. Those who yell no longer have a logical poing to put forth and do not wish to admit they are wrong. Once you cause someone to yell you have won the argument and there is no point in continuing let them believe they have won they well continue to have your point eat at them until they accept it.

39. Whenever you're worried about what others will think of you, you're really just worried about what you'll think of yourself.

40. Every problem you have is your responsibility, regardless of who caused it. Ignoring your responsability is just going to cause more problems for others weighing down on their other responsabilitys

41. You never have to deal with more than one moment at a time.

42. If you never doubt your beliefs or yourself, you are wrong a lot.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Time to Suit up.

You ever see a guy wearing a suit and he just doesn't look as sharp as what you normally expect but you can't exactly tell what the problem is maybe his sleeves are to short or long or its just to big on him its really hard to just pick a suit off the rack and it fit you perfectly you, if you find one that does so buy it right away and then go get yourself a lottery ticket and buy some stock.

Alright first thing first about your suit is the shoulder pads (if you choose them) they need to end with your real shoulder otherwise you'll look like a knight with a big shoulder plates and little arms moving underneath them. Your shoulders are part of your arms and need to look natural even in a suit.

The second thing you need to worry about i show tight your jacket is you can wrap a tarp so it fits your shoulders correctly but your going to find hell trying to stay inside it buttoned at the end. A rule of thumb is when your suit is buttoned you should be able to slip your hand flat into your pocket to get your wallet or whatever you may store in there (That's where I keep my Sonic Screwdriver) but if you try and put your fist in there it should pull on your buttons not so much that they are in danger of flying off and taking out someones eye but tight enough that you notice it.

The third thing you need to look at are the placement of the buttons themselves for a two button suit the top button should be above your belly button but for a three button suit the middle button should be higher then your belly button. If that was to hard for you the last button is the only one that can be below your belly button.

The fourth thing you need to look at is that your jacket is not to long so that when you sit down you strangle yourself or to short that it doesn't cover your pants and looks more like a shirt then a jacket. A rule of thumb is to put your arms at your sides as straight as possible and your knuckles should be even with the end of your jacket.

The fifth thing is about the sleeves themselves if they are too long they cover your hands and you have to keep pulling them back and not to short that they start to show off your fore arm. The best way to look at it is that the sleeves should end where the base of your thumb meets your wrist.

The sixth thing (more of a 5.5) is that your dress shirt underneath your jacket should come out of your jacket a little but not too much or to short the best is normally between a quarter and a half an inch of your shirt cuff should be visible.

And the last thing about your pants is that they should be about one inch above the floor when you are standing straight so that while you are walking you don't end up tripping on yourself or showing off your harry man legs.

There you go some common sense that is not very well known most of the time when you buy a suit the nice salesperson well make sure you look dapper but remember some people don't have a keen eye for fashion or they just want to make you think you look good and make the sale because they need to pay rent.

Friday 22 July 2011

Tips and Tricks. Part 5

29. Keep your eyes open. Those with power tend to do whatever they can to keep it, even if it means hurting people. Do not be like this.

30. You can't change other people, and it's rude to try.

31. It is a hundred times more difficult to burn calories than to refrain from consuming them in the first place.

32. If you're talking to someone you don't know well, you may be talking to someone who knows way more about whatever you're talking about then you do.

33. The cheapest and the most expensive models are usually both bad deals.

34. Everyone likes somebody who gets to the point quickly.

35.  Bad moods will come and go your whole life, and trying to force them away makes them run deeper and last longer.

Thursday 21 July 2011

How to Survive an Atomic Bomb.

Whatever your attitude towards the use of an atomic bomb, you must live with the fact that it exists. You must also know how to protect yourself as much as you can against it. As with flood, fire or other common catastrophes, certain common sense rules apply. The wise citizen of this atomic era will memorize them so thoroughly that their use would be almost instinctive.

Immediate Action, should be a surprise atomic attack occur, could mean the difference between life and death. First sign of an atomic explosion would be an intensely brigh tlight. You must resist the impulse to look toward the source of this burning brightness. Rather, use the next one or two seconds for quick protective action.

Drop to the ground instantly if you are in the open or less than a few steps from protection, such as a tree or the corner of a building. Your immediate reaction must be to shield yourself from the flash of brilliance. If indoors drop to the floor with your back to the window or crawl behind or beneath a protecting piece of furniture.

Curl Up in such a way as to shield your face neck, hands and arms. Unless you happen to be close to the immediate area of the bomb, your greatest danger would be from flash burns which could seriously damage exposed areas of the skin. Hold this curled up position for at least 10 seconds.

Thermal Radiation-The burning brightness-Can be dangerous as far as two miles from the point of origin but the rays travel in straight lines. So if you instantly shelter yourself from these rays, you may avoid serious burns. At least, protect yourself with your own body ...Let your back take the brunt of the rays. Clothing-Especially light clothing-can usually prevent rays from reaching your body.

Be alert for the blast wave which spreads outward for as much as a minute or more after the explosion. If on the street, press close to the building so that you are sheltered from breaking glass or falling debris. If indoors, keep away from windows...they may shatter. The safest place within a building is likely to be against an interior partition or in the basement.

Work in advance to avoid panic. This can best be done by working with your local civilian defense organization. Study the fund of information available on defensive measures. By careful planning, your community can be prepared to hold death and destruction to a minimum.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Tips and Tricks. Part 4

22. If you're inclined to stay indoors, try to break thi shabit. Simply being outside has limitless benefits.

23. If someone insults you, consider it constructive criticism and thank the person.

24. The best way in any situation to make someone angry is to ignore them.

25. Have a style/look completely unique to you and your personality. If someone can label you easily, you're doing it wrong.

26. Always look for ways to improve yourself. Do not let the search hurt those around you.

27.Trust your gut, take chances. Regretting actions not taken can sting worse than mistakes.

28. DO NOT get comfortable with your financial situation unless you have no more desires.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Fifteen things you didn't know about yourself.

-You can remember 50,000 different scents

-The smallest bone in in your body is the stapes or stirrup bone located in the middle ear. it is approximately 0.11 inches in size.

-Just like finger prints your tongue has a unique tongue print.

-By the time you die you well shed 40 pounds of skin.

-Your fingernail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip.

-Your thigh bone a.k.a the Femur is stronger than concrete.

-You have as many hairs per square inch as chimpanzees

-You are using the same amount of energy to power your brain as a 25 watt light bulb

-Your heart produces enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet.

-You get a new stomach lining every three to four days. if you didn't, the strong acids in your stomach that are used to digest food would also digest your stomach and internal organs and you would be dead.

-There are over 650 muscles in your body right now.

-Your small intestines are about 23 feet long.

-If your bladder is full it is roughly the size of a soft ball.

-Each square inch of your skin consists of twenty feet of blood vessels

-Your feet have a combined 500,000 sweat glands.

Monday 18 July 2011

Tips and Tricks. Part 3

15. Do not have a child with a person unless you have been with them for more then a few trouble-free years. If you have a kid with a cunt, prepare to support a family that you will NEVER be apart of.

16. Never marry someone unless they love you more than you could ever love them.

17. Your impending sense of doom is nothing but emotional residue - there is nothing wrong. Even when something is wrong, nothing is wrong. You deal with problems as they arise, no big deal.

18. Honour is a male abstraction, do not expect females to understand it.

19. Whether working out or not, set unachievable goals and work towards them. You won't die trying unless you're careless. The result will be your maximum potential.

20. Hygiene: Stay fresh. But do not be afraid to get dirty when it makes sense to be. (being dirty isn't always sexual you twelve year olds)

21. If you like attention, get rid of this habit.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Body Language.

I love watching those shows like 'Criss Angel Mindfreak' or the like where he pretends to read peoples minds. And of course the editing and way the show is presented plays a large part in how 'real' it seems. But its not exactly a special power it is mainly just being able to read Body Language. Mentalists have used body language for centuries to make it appear they have the power of read minds. Through analysis of physical cues and using similar techniques from famous mentalists almost anyone can make it seem like they know more than they do.

Here are just five physical cues used by mentalists.

1. Arms Crossed: A person with their arms crossed and closed can be seen as a defensive shield. When people have their arms closed they are also closed to new ideas or suggestions. This is most commonly seen in use by 12 to 15 year old girls, in which case it is a territorial display of dominance. Proceed with caution.

2. Neck Touching: Neck touching is one example of a nervous habit that they can betray a person's true feelings on a matter. They could be nervous because they are concealing a truth. In a bar setting it could be a sign you have been starring at them for too long you perv.

3. Dilated Pupils: When someone finds another person or thing attractive, the pupils will dilate. In turn, that dilation is often found attractive by others. This is sometimes referred to as 'bedroom eyes' because of its sexual connotation. Conversely, if you're Lindsay Lohan or Charlie Sheen it could just be an alcohol or drug induced side effect.

4. Leaning Forward: Moving forward can be an act of aggression and so signal anger. Especially, if it is done quickly and in concert with other aggressive signals such as an angry expression on the face. In debates, it is a sign of confidence. Be sure both debaters are not leaning forward at the same time. A concussion may follow.

5. Feet Crossed: Crossing your legs or feet is a sign of being comfortable or relaxed in a circumstance or with a person. If their feet are crossed and they are willing around in their chair it is a sign of needing a bathroom break also known as the 'pee-pee dance'. Make sure to cut the conversation short at that point.

Mentalism can take many different forms and is not always easy to spot or pick up here are just a few.

Cold Reading:
This is a technique that is frequently used by mentalists that takes cues from a person's body language, clothes, form of speech and ethnicity to convince the subject they know more about them than they actually do. Employs the use of high probability guesses.

Hot Reading:
This technique requires some foreknowledge of the subject, either from a previous conversation or from a helper. The trick is to make it appear that the knowledge was not previously known. For instances in a bar setting sending your wing man to go talk to a fly girl and then get shut down and report back to you and give you the information and then they leave making sure that the girl doesn't see you too together.

Forer Effect: Developed in 1948 by psychologist Bertram R. Forer, this technique takes vague and general statements and uses them in a manner that makes the reader feel they are being tailored specifically for them. Often seen in fortune telling and horoscopes.

This of course seems just like a fancy side show trick made to entertain people but there have been some pretty famous mentalists throughout history.

Erik Jan Hanuseen was a 1930's Austrian mentalist and self-proclaimed clairvoyant most noted for his visions that aided Hitler. He was executed in 1933 when the SS found out he was Jewish.

Giorgori Rasputin was a Russian mystic from 1910 who found favor among the upper echelon of Russian nobility and the royal family. He helped discredit the Tsarist government with rumors of an illicit affair with the Tsarista.

Wolf Messing (That's the guys name don't bring me your wolves) was a 1940's psychic that came to the attention of Joseph Stalin when he was able to pull of a mental bank robbery using only a single piece of paper.

Count Alessandro Di Cagliostro from the 1750's is considered one of greatest mentalists and con men of the ages. He is most famously known as the French physician to Benjamin Franklin, even though he was Italian and for his hand in the Affair of the Necklace, disgracing the French Queen Marie Antoinette.

And to close I have some fun facts
55% of communication is nonverbal
The human body can produce 700,00 different signs
The fasts way to build a rapport with another person is to mirror their actions
7% of communication is verbal

Remember it is common sense to know that psychics are not real, but even more important to know how they do it.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Tips and Tricks. Part 2

8. Although I do not believe in God, atheists can be (and usually are) just as annoying as theistic idiots. Keep both your beliefs and lack of belief to yourself, no on wants to hear it. Treat your religion like your genitles don't show it off in public, and don't stick it down your kids throats.

9. Circumcision is the worst decision a parent can make for their son. See tip 8 as to why not to do it.

10. Emo and self-pity is narcissism disguised as depth, and this is why people resent your woe-is-me bullshit.

11. Contrary to popular belief, depression is not a painful experience. Depression is a numbing strategy usually developed in childhood as a way to keep you safe from the consequences of your anger. An emotionally healthy person can allow himself to feel anger without reacting to it. When you numb yourself from real pain (anger), you block off the joy in your life and become depressed.

12. Cigarettes stunt emotional growth. Smoking seems fun because life at an early age is relatively easy. But look at a smoker in their 40's and tell me they look happy.

13. Japanese culutre is not amazing. Japanese culture is oppressive and stifling and that is why so many japs kill themselves each year. Weeaboos have Peter Pan syndrome.

14. Spend time with people you are not seuxally attracted too. Spending time with a hunting party (camping, sports, beach, pub, etc) creates a sensee of belonging, well-being and safety in this world. It is also how we make connections. The internet does not replace this.

Friday 15 July 2011

A Brief History of Equality

Obama is a communist, oh he isn't? Okay then he has to be a Socialist, what do you mean I don't know what I'm talking about. Fox News and the other fair and balanced news programs that I pretend to watch while cleaning my guns that the founding fathers gave me said.

So because of statements like the above I feel that I need to explain Communism, and its bloody evil history.

Karl Marx is the father of communism he believed it to be the final stage in social evolution characterized by finally reaching a classless, stateless, democratically led world community. Sounds like a great idea right? Well on paper it does but thats because it requires every single person on earth to agree to the process when you get just one bad apple that takes a capitalist approach to life they begin to ruin the equality that is communism.

Now I am not saying that we all need to 'grow up' and stop being capitalist because there are faults in communism that are easily solved with a capitalist approach, namely being a lazy son of a female dog. In communism your lazy donkey would be supported and you would get your monthly check just like awesome people like me who would actually earn our currency. In Capitalism your lazy donkey would be dead or at best poor as hell, living off the rats you catch in your house at 3am. What about well-fare? Thats a communist idea.

So now how did Karl Marx plan on bringing his new perfect world order to light? He thought it would be achieved through a workers revolution a democrati republic would be created and a dictatorship of the people would rule. A socialist state would hold power until society was ready for pure communism.

You see even Marx new that people would need to wade into the pool instead of being thrown in all at once, But some of Historys most famous mustached men liked the idea of cannon balling into the pool and getting all the hot girls sunbathing wet (not in a good way)

Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Leon Trotsky led a revolution in 1917 russia in the name of communism. 5 years later they formed The Soviet Union (USSR/CCCP) Then after Stalin lost his marbles after Lenin died and killed off Trotsky and a whole bunch of other people and started to spread communism by aiding the great chinese communist Mao Zedong who took control of China with an iron grip and went on to fund other asian communist revolutions like Korea's Kim il Sung, Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh, and Cambodia's Pol Pot.

The sad thing is that all communist states have been brutal dictatorships instead of the democratic paradise that Marx had in mind (mainly because all the communist leaders have been a bit crazy). And because of this they killed off anyone who looked at them strangely or sneezed and used to many kleenex detailed in the graph below.

Communism was rich in symbolism the Hammer and Sickle is the most notable symbol left over from the reign of the USSR. It represented the industrial and agricultural workers. Another notable symbol is the five point star in red or yellow representing the five classes of socialism. the five fingers of a hand or the five continents (yeah some states believed there where only five even though most people agree there are 7) tools such as writing brushes and ompasses are used to symbolise the intellictual class. Gear cogs are also common in party emblems and flags also represent industrial workers. The colour Red symbolizes the blood of the workers and the opposition to oppression. while yellow represents the glory of the people.

The biggest problem with communists is that they cannot agree on how to lead amongst themselves. There are over 15 forms of communism here are just a few.

Marxism: Followed by those who do not believe in oppression and only follow what is directly stated by marx and his partner Engels
Leninism: Combines marxism with the additions made by Lenin and retains the idea of little repression but adds collectivisation and heavy industrialization into the equation.
Stalinism: Uses totalitarian tactics, censership, and surpression to enfore socialism in one nation.
Trotskyism: Focuses on world-wide revolution and strong democratic principals.

Maoism: Focuses heavily on costly social progress and pushed for opposition to capitalism and soviet communism alike.

Stalinists hate Trotskyists and vice versa while Maoists hate Post-Stalin Leninsim. This caused the Sino-Soviet split leading to three conflicts between vietnam, cambodia the USSR and China all three were short but bloody as a torture porn movie.

The reason they were so bloody is due because communists nations put a lot of focus into their militaries. Between 1980 and 1986 the USSR spent 17% of its GDP (some estimate the actual budget to be two times that) on Military where the United States only spent 5.8% in the same time period. That 17% was around 33 billion U.S. Dollars given that the price to manufacture 1 AK-74 was around 50 U.S. Dollars that translates to the ability to make 660 Million AK-74's and they put all that to use.

The USSR donated and sold large amounts of Kalashnikov Assault Rifles the famed AK-## brand to <takes deep breath> Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea (DPRK), Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Paistan, India, Laos, Egypt, Israel, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Albania, Thiland, Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, Guatemala, and pretty much all of Africa. Ironically even with all of these sales Izhevsk, producer of the AK, is currently Bankrupt.

Currently there are over 17 communist parties in the United States alone. At the Height of communism nearly 28% of the earths land area (Map below) was a communist nation. But currently olny China, Laos, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba are still standing communist states.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Tips and Tricks. Part 1

1. Save 10 percent of every pay check and put it in your savings account for retirement. Don't touch it. When you have your first "career" job, up it to 20 percent savings for every paycheck. Don't overspend. The bank is your friend (I know this is a weird time to say it) put money in it and make money for just having money, using credit cards are for idiots if you don't have the money to buy something you don't need it. If you get in the red you are lacking common sense.

2. Don't rely on one stream of income (your job). Learn to have a side bussiness, whether it's investment, stocks, fixing computers, ebay etc. I for instances use deal of a day websites and then just pawn off the items I get for really cheap, my father collects comic books and is an accountant, always have your fall back.

3. Spend 30 to 60 minutes of EVERYDAY reading good books. Classical novels, and subjects on psychology, science, math, history, astronomy, socialogy, marketing, investment etc. If you read a mere 50 pages a day, you should be able to finish a 350 page book in a week. Aim to read 4 books per month

4. Stop watching TV. If you have favor shows, torret and watch it on the computer. TV entertainment is for the dumb masses. "Future generations will look back on TV as the lead in the water pipes that slowly drove the Romans mad." - Kurt Vonnegut

5. Exercise everyday. When you grow old and your metabolism slows down, you'll gain weight. If you gain a measly 2 pounds per month, by the 12th month you'll gain 24 pounds. In 2 years, you'll get 48 pounds. Exercise 30 minutes a day, brisk walk and push ups/squats/pullups/situps. I for instances ride my bike or walk everywhere just because I hate driving.

6. Social skills - learn it. If you can successfuly court women without much trouble and have plenty selection as a girlfriend, you won't have the many woes and problems most men face (when it comes to getting women). A good starting point is "The Life Style Challenge" by Neil Strauss. Not only for getting a lady, If you can speak well people believe you are smart simply having a smart appeal can open many doors for you.

7. Travel. The world is HUGE, travel it. Go see Europe, Asia, America, Australia. If you can, live in a foreign country for a 2-3 months, to fully understand different cultures, values and social customs. (This helps you break through the social customs that chains you in your own country, when you realize social customs is an man made, a mere illusion)

Wednesday 13 July 2011

The First Test

Fractions and their noncomprehending learners.

So, have you ever been in a math class or having a nice discussion with someone about fractions and the topic turns to thirds? And how one third (1/3) equals 0.33333... and  two thirds (2/3) equals 0.666666... but then someone thinks that three thirds (3/3) equals 0.99999... and not 1? Well that person is an idiot.

Now they are an idiot for three main reasons that people seem to idiots on this common sense subject.
1: They think every number has a unique decimal expansion. They are wrong.
2: They might think infinitely small numbers (0.0000...01) exist. They don't they are like Unicorns
3: They might think that 0.999... terminates. It doesn't just like the original terminator.

For those who understand math there is a very simple proof by induction:
x = 0.999...
10x = 9.999...
10x - x = 9.999... - 0.999...
9x = 9
x = 1

But x = 0.999...
So that means that 1 = 0.999...

Simple enough for those who understand basic math but not everyone can follow that chain of numbers and equal signs so here is an example that is much more simple to understand. Even for you Jimmy.

Say you take a bottle of water this bottle is representing one whole bottle. Pour it into three seperate glasses, so that the amount of water is exactly the same in each glass. You know that 1/3 is 0.333... and that three sets of these will be 0.333... + 0.333... + 0.333... = 0.999... But this all came from that one whole bottle so that you know 0.999... = 1. The Law of entropy does not apply in this example assume all the water is transferred from the original bottle.

Have I still not convinced you or your dumb friend? Alright how about some fancy math then.

Lets define 0.999... as an infinite series so that:

0.999... = 0 + 9(1/10) + 9(1/10)² + 9(1/10)³ ...

Now lets use a convergence theorum:

ar + ar² + ar³  + ... = ar/(1-r)

So that means:
9(1/10) + 9(1/10)² + 9(1/10)³ ... = [9(1/10)] / [1 - (1/10)]

And what does that all equal? 1 that's right Bask in the glory of understanding math and slapping that idiot who does not have common sense.

For it is required to have a super power to know and understand that 1 = 0.999...