Thursday 14 July 2011

Tips and Tricks. Part 1

1. Save 10 percent of every pay check and put it in your savings account for retirement. Don't touch it. When you have your first "career" job, up it to 20 percent savings for every paycheck. Don't overspend. The bank is your friend (I know this is a weird time to say it) put money in it and make money for just having money, using credit cards are for idiots if you don't have the money to buy something you don't need it. If you get in the red you are lacking common sense.

2. Don't rely on one stream of income (your job). Learn to have a side bussiness, whether it's investment, stocks, fixing computers, ebay etc. I for instances use deal of a day websites and then just pawn off the items I get for really cheap, my father collects comic books and is an accountant, always have your fall back.

3. Spend 30 to 60 minutes of EVERYDAY reading good books. Classical novels, and subjects on psychology, science, math, history, astronomy, socialogy, marketing, investment etc. If you read a mere 50 pages a day, you should be able to finish a 350 page book in a week. Aim to read 4 books per month

4. Stop watching TV. If you have favor shows, torret and watch it on the computer. TV entertainment is for the dumb masses. "Future generations will look back on TV as the lead in the water pipes that slowly drove the Romans mad." - Kurt Vonnegut

5. Exercise everyday. When you grow old and your metabolism slows down, you'll gain weight. If you gain a measly 2 pounds per month, by the 12th month you'll gain 24 pounds. In 2 years, you'll get 48 pounds. Exercise 30 minutes a day, brisk walk and push ups/squats/pullups/situps. I for instances ride my bike or walk everywhere just because I hate driving.

6. Social skills - learn it. If you can successfuly court women without much trouble and have plenty selection as a girlfriend, you won't have the many woes and problems most men face (when it comes to getting women). A good starting point is "The Life Style Challenge" by Neil Strauss. Not only for getting a lady, If you can speak well people believe you are smart simply having a smart appeal can open many doors for you.

7. Travel. The world is HUGE, travel it. Go see Europe, Asia, America, Australia. If you can, live in a foreign country for a 2-3 months, to fully understand different cultures, values and social customs. (This helps you break through the social customs that chains you in your own country, when you realize social customs is an man made, a mere illusion)

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