Sunday 17 July 2011

Body Language.

I love watching those shows like 'Criss Angel Mindfreak' or the like where he pretends to read peoples minds. And of course the editing and way the show is presented plays a large part in how 'real' it seems. But its not exactly a special power it is mainly just being able to read Body Language. Mentalists have used body language for centuries to make it appear they have the power of read minds. Through analysis of physical cues and using similar techniques from famous mentalists almost anyone can make it seem like they know more than they do.

Here are just five physical cues used by mentalists.

1. Arms Crossed: A person with their arms crossed and closed can be seen as a defensive shield. When people have their arms closed they are also closed to new ideas or suggestions. This is most commonly seen in use by 12 to 15 year old girls, in which case it is a territorial display of dominance. Proceed with caution.

2. Neck Touching: Neck touching is one example of a nervous habit that they can betray a person's true feelings on a matter. They could be nervous because they are concealing a truth. In a bar setting it could be a sign you have been starring at them for too long you perv.

3. Dilated Pupils: When someone finds another person or thing attractive, the pupils will dilate. In turn, that dilation is often found attractive by others. This is sometimes referred to as 'bedroom eyes' because of its sexual connotation. Conversely, if you're Lindsay Lohan or Charlie Sheen it could just be an alcohol or drug induced side effect.

4. Leaning Forward: Moving forward can be an act of aggression and so signal anger. Especially, if it is done quickly and in concert with other aggressive signals such as an angry expression on the face. In debates, it is a sign of confidence. Be sure both debaters are not leaning forward at the same time. A concussion may follow.

5. Feet Crossed: Crossing your legs or feet is a sign of being comfortable or relaxed in a circumstance or with a person. If their feet are crossed and they are willing around in their chair it is a sign of needing a bathroom break also known as the 'pee-pee dance'. Make sure to cut the conversation short at that point.

Mentalism can take many different forms and is not always easy to spot or pick up here are just a few.

Cold Reading:
This is a technique that is frequently used by mentalists that takes cues from a person's body language, clothes, form of speech and ethnicity to convince the subject they know more about them than they actually do. Employs the use of high probability guesses.

Hot Reading:
This technique requires some foreknowledge of the subject, either from a previous conversation or from a helper. The trick is to make it appear that the knowledge was not previously known. For instances in a bar setting sending your wing man to go talk to a fly girl and then get shut down and report back to you and give you the information and then they leave making sure that the girl doesn't see you too together.

Forer Effect: Developed in 1948 by psychologist Bertram R. Forer, this technique takes vague and general statements and uses them in a manner that makes the reader feel they are being tailored specifically for them. Often seen in fortune telling and horoscopes.

This of course seems just like a fancy side show trick made to entertain people but there have been some pretty famous mentalists throughout history.

Erik Jan Hanuseen was a 1930's Austrian mentalist and self-proclaimed clairvoyant most noted for his visions that aided Hitler. He was executed in 1933 when the SS found out he was Jewish.

Giorgori Rasputin was a Russian mystic from 1910 who found favor among the upper echelon of Russian nobility and the royal family. He helped discredit the Tsarist government with rumors of an illicit affair with the Tsarista.

Wolf Messing (That's the guys name don't bring me your wolves) was a 1940's psychic that came to the attention of Joseph Stalin when he was able to pull of a mental bank robbery using only a single piece of paper.

Count Alessandro Di Cagliostro from the 1750's is considered one of greatest mentalists and con men of the ages. He is most famously known as the French physician to Benjamin Franklin, even though he was Italian and for his hand in the Affair of the Necklace, disgracing the French Queen Marie Antoinette.

And to close I have some fun facts
55% of communication is nonverbal
The human body can produce 700,00 different signs
The fasts way to build a rapport with another person is to mirror their actions
7% of communication is verbal

Remember it is common sense to know that psychics are not real, but even more important to know how they do it.

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