Saturday 23 July 2011

Time to Suit up.

You ever see a guy wearing a suit and he just doesn't look as sharp as what you normally expect but you can't exactly tell what the problem is maybe his sleeves are to short or long or its just to big on him its really hard to just pick a suit off the rack and it fit you perfectly you, if you find one that does so buy it right away and then go get yourself a lottery ticket and buy some stock.

Alright first thing first about your suit is the shoulder pads (if you choose them) they need to end with your real shoulder otherwise you'll look like a knight with a big shoulder plates and little arms moving underneath them. Your shoulders are part of your arms and need to look natural even in a suit.

The second thing you need to worry about i show tight your jacket is you can wrap a tarp so it fits your shoulders correctly but your going to find hell trying to stay inside it buttoned at the end. A rule of thumb is when your suit is buttoned you should be able to slip your hand flat into your pocket to get your wallet or whatever you may store in there (That's where I keep my Sonic Screwdriver) but if you try and put your fist in there it should pull on your buttons not so much that they are in danger of flying off and taking out someones eye but tight enough that you notice it.

The third thing you need to look at are the placement of the buttons themselves for a two button suit the top button should be above your belly button but for a three button suit the middle button should be higher then your belly button. If that was to hard for you the last button is the only one that can be below your belly button.

The fourth thing you need to look at is that your jacket is not to long so that when you sit down you strangle yourself or to short that it doesn't cover your pants and looks more like a shirt then a jacket. A rule of thumb is to put your arms at your sides as straight as possible and your knuckles should be even with the end of your jacket.

The fifth thing is about the sleeves themselves if they are too long they cover your hands and you have to keep pulling them back and not to short that they start to show off your fore arm. The best way to look at it is that the sleeves should end where the base of your thumb meets your wrist.

The sixth thing (more of a 5.5) is that your dress shirt underneath your jacket should come out of your jacket a little but not too much or to short the best is normally between a quarter and a half an inch of your shirt cuff should be visible.

And the last thing about your pants is that they should be about one inch above the floor when you are standing straight so that while you are walking you don't end up tripping on yourself or showing off your harry man legs.

There you go some common sense that is not very well known most of the time when you buy a suit the nice salesperson well make sure you look dapper but remember some people don't have a keen eye for fashion or they just want to make you think you look good and make the sale because they need to pay rent.

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